Serbian literature is the core of Serbian culture and the treasure-keeper of linguistic, cultural and civilization memory of the Serbian nation. Digitalization project of the most important works of Serbian literature Anthology of Serbian Literature makes easily available for reading capital works of Serbian literature to broad public, all over the world. This digital library is freely available to all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and around the globe, and is designed to internationally promote Serbian culture and literature, as well as to help the improvement of classical and digital literacy skills of Serbian citizens.
Digital edition of the Anthology of Serbian Literature has more than 130 works of old and new, folk and author literature, available for free internet download: from medieval scripts about the lives of Serbian saints, folk poetry and prose, the most important works of Serbian XVIII and XIX century literature, and great literature works of XX century within the public domain, to the most important works of the Serbian living authors donated for publication in this edition by the authors themselves.
All the books of this digital edition are available for download in Serbian language and in Cyrillic script. The English translation of the books is not available.
The selection of the works for this digital edition was done by the Teacher Faculty of the Belgrade University. Digitalization was done by the Microsoft Software Development Center in Belgrade, as a part of activities of the Microsoft program Partners in Learning.
This project owes gratitude for their good will to give the rights for publishing of their works in this edition, free of charge, to: Endowment of Milos Crnjanski and Endowment of Branko Copic, as well as to the authors Svetlana Velmar-Jankovic, Grozdana Olujic, Dobrica Cosic, Dobrilo Nenadic, Ljubomir Simovic, Ljubomir Rsumovic, Milosav Tesic, Zarko Trebjesanin, Miodrag Pavlovic, to Branka Lalic, the heiress of the author rights of Ivan V. Lalic and to Marina Petkovic, the heiress of the author rights of Novica Petkovic.
The commercial use and distribution of the digital books published in this digital edition is not permitted. The project owners do not take any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the published works and do not assume liability for any damages or loss of any kind that might arise from the use of, misuse of, or the inability to use the published works of this edition or the Web pages of the Project.
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